This posting expands on the previous presentation in the Ancient Egypt Blog CHEOPS explaining the Egyptian Lower and Upper Nomes as hermetic geodetic astronomy.
See explanation of the Lower Egypt Nomes and the Upper Egypt Nomes.
See also Lower Egypt Nome 1 (in English) and Egyptian Nomes (in German)
1. nu-Hydrae (below Leo), Jnbw-hd, "the white wall". The "white wall" and the "gnomon" mark the Summer Solstice.
Update, June 5, 2004
The capital of the 1st lower nome was Memphis. That a gnomon is intended by the nome hieroglyph can be seen from the variant hieroglyph of Memphis as the "king's castle" where the man is clearly holding a gnomon
See Hannig, ED1, p. 1547.
A gnomon at Memphis is also marked on the Turin Canon.
The goddess Hathor at Memphis, the "eye" of Ra (the sun - related to Indo-European, e.g. Latvian Re!, Redz! "sight, light") and goddess of the sky, had the epithet "of the southern sycamore", which might have referred to the stars of Crater below Leo. Crater is marked as a tree on the megaliths of Ancient Britain at Trethevy Quoit. However, Hathor is also affiliated with the 3rd nome of Lower Egypt so that this matter is unclear.
The Chinese sieu (lunar mansion, moon station) in Hydra called Lieu was seen as a "willow branch" in this part of the heavens, governing the planets and being "worshipped at festivals of the summer solstice as an emblem of immortality". RHA, p. 248.
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